Monday, February 8, 2010

Take what's yours

I just go off of the phone with my sister. As is often the case, it was a mildly frustrating conversation. Out of luck and fortune, I was able to come across extra tickets to the dress rehearsal of the opening ceremonies for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic games. I invited my sister and her son (my nephew) to come along. My nephew was all over it. Yes right away.

My sister however -- "I can't come, I just think it will be too hard with the baby (my 1 year old niece)"

"How about a babysitter"

"I can't afford one"

"What about a friend?"

"I don't know anyone that would take a one year old"

I wanted to ask the obvious - "What about her dad, your boyfriend, who lives in the same city as you." But thought better of it, because it would induce an ear numbing 45 minute explanation.

What is wrong with my sister? why doesn't she put her brain and mouth to work for her and come up with a solution? She is a nice person. there absolutely must be someone out there in the world who would help her to have a great time and make some lasting memories.

I think that her problem is this:

She is hiding from life.

She makes excuses and lives a fairly pitiful life - constantly poor despite an income of around 60K - consantly pulled down by her responsibilities when a little proactiveness on her part would free her greatly.

What the heck is she afraid of

I was thinking this when it occurred to me that I am exactly the same way. Always a little too cautious to get what I really want. Alwasy fearful of appearing needy and wanting. Well, no more! I've got it figured out now, so it is time for this to stop.

What I want, look out, cause I'm coming to get you!

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