Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gift List

Steve -
Tresse -

Nori dad

Dave - Red suspenders? Desiderata?

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Dec 2007

HIST 380:
modus vivendi
pro forma

Mar 2008

Definition of "acrimonious"
acrimonious adj : marked by strong resentment or cynicism; "an acrimonious dispute"; "bitter about the divorce" [syn: {bitter}]

Result by WordNet (r) 2.0

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why even thoughreal estate prices are high along the west coast they are still giong to go way up in the future

Because all of the nouveau riche in China are going to come over to escape from the deadly pollution enveloping their cities.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The World is flat

This book sucks.

Here's a couple of reasons why (there are many many more, which I may get to later if I have time):

1) This book assumes that as the pool of consumers grows so to will opportunities to produce. Therefore, the book reassures us, there will always be plenty of work for anyone with critical thinking and pattern matching skills.

This is certainly true in economic theory. Economic theory assumes that there are limitless resources. Up until now, this has effectively been true. It seems like it's not anymore. If we are approaching the carrying capacity of the planet, then the only way to maintain the high standard of living the populace of developed nations have come to expect is by denying those resources to others. Preferably, while simultaneously harboring their labor.

Autocracy vs Democracy -- who cares?

Good governance is a combination of both the personalities driving the government, and the system used to guide it.

An intelligent and insightful dictator is empowered with sufficient flexibility as to allow him to move quickly and decisively. A vote bound leader is not endowed with such power; or, if he is, it is only temporary and at high cost.

An individual possessed of absolute power is practically the only force which is able to

Why not to invest in Google

Google owns practically nothing.

Okay, okay, they do own some servers and building. But, other than that, what are their assets?

Google came on to the scene and dominated all other search engines overnight. There were many keys to Google's success, but perhaps none as important as the fact that it found the most relevant information.

Why hasn't Google's search gotten any better?

Why do I still need to structure my queries in pseudo-English in order to influence the search engine to find the information I want?

Why is Google not yet able to infer from my sentence and from the content it has found crawling what I want and where it is?

I supposed the answer is that these ideas are very very difficult to turn into reality.

But, not impossible.

There will be a day when a far more advanced search engine appears. On that day, google will have the world's brightest engineers and most advanced and efficient advertising/compensation systems in place, but no users. And if they have no users, then they clearly won't have any advertisers.

Because it's business is so dynamic and scalable, Google is incredible because it can come on the scene and grow into a huge company very, very rapidly.

But, beware, this also means that it can collapse overnight too. It only takes a bad month and a phone call for advertiser to start to abandon Google. Then what will they do?

Don't buy the hype, this is a company whose business model is so new to the market that it's relevant risk levels are not being valuated anywhere near accurately.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Invest in American Companies that will be able to adapt and thrive in the global market.

US consumer spending will slow and domestic corporate expansion, funded by credit, will wane due to the fallout of the subprime mortgage fiasco.

There are still bucketloads of money to be made by American companies.

These companies will be in areas which will profit from growing competition over the earth's limited resources.

These companies will exploit the opportunities provided by stunning numbers of brilliant workers who produce a far greater return on a companies investment in their time than most domestic hires. Note that this will continue to be true even in the wake of rising wages abroad.

Foreigners work harder. Period.

Foreigner brilliance is no longer coming to America with the fluidity and flow of the past. Also, it is not coming in the same capacity that it was. It is coming in the form of companies looking to compete, not intelligence looking for opportunity. Now, good companies need to go to them.

The companies to invest in will actively pursue global markets, while localizing everywhere.

Invest in comapnies that are working to wean off of local dependence on US/Eur/Jpn, and allocate it's resources to become a global leader, while being careful to not be dependant on resources either.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Perspective = panacea for all save the blind.