Monday, May 24, 2010

the one I love

much of my love drives from a simple question:

How would I react if the one I love was hurt?

It's the worst thing I can imagine. Being helpless to help her while others hurt her makes me simultaneously detest war and violence, and want to appreciate the time I have left to spend with her.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I heard this today

Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listening.
like you've never been hurt.
Live like it's heaven on Earth.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


People often fail to achieve their goals.

It's not because they don't understand what their goals are. People are dreamers, they spend a good chunk of their day closing thier eyes and letting their minds wander to a life where their dreams are all reality.  We can all do it.  We all know where we want to go.

The problem lies in another place. Well, really in two other places.

The first is the path needed to get from here to the goal. This is pretty clear to most people, they know deep down that they don't really know which turn to take or how it might affect their overall route. Still, people often think that if they just drive and drive, sometimes with vigour and effort, then they will eventually reach their goal. These people need to either sit down and draw a map, or buy a GPS.

The second problem is trickier to accept. But, the reality is that far too many people just don't know where the heck they are right now!


If you want to go big, then don't try to make small improvements to you rcurrent situation.

If your current life is a rectangle, but you really want to be a smiley face, then you need to bite the bullet and erase the rectangle.

It'll hurt at first, as you'll be left with a blank page, but it's the only way to get to where you want to be. No matter how pretty and strong you make that rectangle, it ain't going to grow a smile.

It's the same in life.  If you are in middle management, but you really deserve to be a wealthy business owner, then no matter how many stock options you get, or commissions, or pay raises, you are never going to get where you want to be.

To make matters worse, most career drones suffer from massive amounts of anchoring and green grass syndromes. They want a 5% raise instead of their neighbours 3%, or they want to corner office, or the new promotion. In 99% of cases these periodic rewards will only move you up at a mostly linear pace. Dare I say that you should really be looking for square, cubic, or even logarithmic growth?