Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Worst Day Ever

Worst day on the market so far.  down 6% in one day!  So far, it's over $20000 since the start of the summer.

My oral surgery is going to cost $5000 when it could have been free last year.

My knee is bugging me and my physical decline is well under way.

Winter hads

Now, this morning I learned that I've killed my car by failing to keep enough oil in it. 


Is it Karma?

Have I been a bad person?

What the fuck is this?

Why is everything going wrong at once?


She is a weak and fragile person.

She is not strong, nor supportive, nor helpful.

She does not care about your feelings or health or happiness unless it directly affects her.


Do not dislike her for it.

Her weakness and dependence is one of the reasons you love her -- she is so naive and pure.

Her selfishness is not her fault -- she doesn't understand other people.

present moment

There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment. If one fully understands the present moment, there will be nothing else to do, and nothing else to pursue. Live being true to the single purpose of the moment.

-Yamamoto Tsunetomo


I need something to look forward to so I stop frantically grasping at the past and youth.

Time to start things up

After many years of studying, excersizing, and testing, I am finally ready to begin living.

This blog will now be the record of my attempts to get out and live free.

Update: It turns out that living and having a happy life means you don't need to bother blogging as much :)

Top things you can do to live a happy, healthy life

1) Be Present
2) Eat REAL food
3) Do yoga
4) Make people happy
5) Breathe
6)Find one thing and do that one thing to the best of your ability
7)Find happiness

Worst Day Ever

Worst day on the market so far.  down 6% in one day!  So far, it's over $20000 since the start of the summer.

My oral surgery is going to cost $5000 when it could have been free last year.

My knee is bugging me and my physical decline is well under way.

Winter hads

Now, this morning I learned that I've killed my car by failing to keep enough oil in it. 


Is it Karma?

Have I been a bad person?

What the fuck is this?

Why is everything going wrong at once?

Time to start things up

After many years of studying, excersizing, and testing, I am finally ready to begin living.

This blog will now be the record of my attempts to get out and live free.

Update: It turns out that living and having a happy life means you don't need to bother blogging as much :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Time to start things up

After many years of studying, excersizing, and testing, I am finally ready to begin living.

This blog will now be the record of my attempts to get out and live free.